How Much Is A Goldendoodle Dog?

If you’ve ever wondered about the cost of owning a Goldendoodle dog, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of Goldendoodles and answer the burning question “How Much Is a Goldendoodle Dog?” So, sit back, relax, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

Goldendoodles are a popular and adorable crossbreed between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. They’re known for their friendly nature, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coat. But when it comes to their price tag, it can vary depending on several factors. Let’s uncover all the details about owning a precious Goldendoodle pup!

Now, brace yourself! We’ll explore the different factors that influence the price of a Goldendoodle, including their size, generation, and breeder reputation. You’ll be equipped with all the information you need to make an informed decision about welcoming a furry friend into your family. So, let’s jump right in and discover the fascinating world of Goldendoodle dog prices!

How Much Is a Goldendoodle Dog?

How Much Is a Goldendoodle Dog?

Goldendoodles have become increasingly popular as family pets due to their friendly nature and hypoallergenic coats. However, potential dog owners may wonder about the cost of owning a Goldendoodle. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the price of a Goldendoodle puppy, including breeders, size, and coat type. By the end, you will have a better understanding of how much it costs to bring a Goldendoodle into your home.

The Role of Breeders

One of the key factors that influence the price of a Goldendoodle is the reputation and quality of the breeder. Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs often charge higher prices for their puppies. These breeders invest time, effort, and money into health testing their breeding dogs and providing proper socialization for the puppies. They also offer warranties and guarantees to protect the buyer in case of any genetic health issues.

It is important to research and choose a responsible breeder when considering a Goldendoodle puppy. While the initial cost may be higher, you are more likely to get a healthy and well-adjusted dog. Avoid purchasing from puppy mills or backyard breeders, as they may prioritize profit over the welfare of the dogs. Remember, owning a dog is a long-term commitment, and it is worth investing in a reputable breeder.

Size Does Matter

Another factor that affects the price of a Goldendoodle is their size. Goldendoodles come in different sizes, ranging from standard to mini and even toy sizes. Standard Goldendoodles are larger and weigh between 45 to 100 pounds. Mini Goldendoodles are medium-sized and typically weigh between 30 to 45 pounds. Toy Goldendoodles are the smallest, weighing anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds.

Smaller-sized Goldendoodles tend to command higher prices due to their increased demand. They are often preferred by individuals or families living in smaller spaces or those who want a more portable companion. Keep in mind that the size of the parents and the specific breeding program will determine the size of the Goldendoodle puppies. Consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing the size of your Goldendoodle, but be prepared for potential variations in price.

Coat Type and Special Features

Goldendoodles are known for their hypoallergenic and low-shedding coats, which make them suitable for individuals with allergies. However, the specific coat type of a Goldendoodle can also affect its price. The most common coat types are straight, wavy, and curly. Curly-coated Goldendoodles are highly sought after because of their non-shedding nature and defined curls. As a result, they tend to be more expensive compared to other coat types.

Additionally, certain Goldendoodles may possess unique physical features that can increase their price. Some breeders have introduced parti-colored or merle-coated Goldendoodles, which have a different color pattern compared to the traditional golden or cream coats. These unique features can add to the attractiveness and rarity of the dog, thereby increasing its price. However, it is essential to prioritize the health and well-being of the dog over aesthetic features when making a purchase.

Expected Costs for Owning a Goldendoodle

1. Initial Cost:

When purchasing a Goldendoodle puppy, the initial cost usually ranges from $1,500 to $3,000, depending on the factors mentioned above. Reputable breeders often charge more because they invest in the health and well-being of their dogs.

2. Basic Supplies:

Along with the purchase of a Goldendoodle, there are additional costs associated with basic supplies such as food bowls, leashes, collars, crates, and toys. These items can range from $100 to $300, depending on brand preferences and quality.

3. Veterinary Care:

Routine veterinary care is crucial for the overall well-being of your Goldendoodle. This includes vaccinations, regular check-ups, flea and tick prevention, and spaying or neutering. Veterinary costs can amount to approximately $500 to $1,000 per year.

4. Grooming:

Due to their hypoallergenic coats, Goldendoodles require regular grooming. This includes brushing, trimming, and occasional professional grooming sessions. Grooming costs can vary depending on the length and complexity of the coat, but a rough estimate is around $500 to $1,200 per year.

5. Training and Socialization:

Goldendoodles are intelligent dogs and benefit from training and socialization. Enrolling your Goldendoodle in obedience classes or hiring a dog trainer can cost approximately $100 to $500, depending on the duration and type of training.

6. Food and Treats:

Feeding a Goldendoodle a balanced diet is essential for their overall health. High-quality dog food can cost between $30 to $60 per month, depending on the brand and size of your dog. Treats and dental chews can amount to an additional $10 to $30 per month.

7. Miscellaneous Expenses:

Other expenses that should be taken into consideration include pet insurance, doggy daycare or boarding services, and unexpected veterinary bills. These costs can vary greatly, but it is advisable to set aside an additional $500 to $1,000 per year for miscellaneous expenses.

Choosing the Right Goldendoodle for You

Factors to Consider When Picking a Goldendoodle

1. Lifestyle and Energy Level

Your lifestyle and energy level should align with the temperament and energy requirements of the Goldendoodle you choose. If you are an active individual who enjoys long walks and outdoor activities, a more energetic Goldendoodle may be a better fit. Conversely, if you have a quieter lifestyle or live in a smaller space, a more laid-back Goldendoodle may be a better choice.


– How much exercise can you provide for your Goldendoodle?
– What is the typical energy level of the specific Goldendoodle you are considering?
– Does your lifestyle allow for regular walks and playtime?

2. Coat Type and Allergies

Goldendoodles are known for their hypoallergenic and low-shedding coats, making them suitable for individuals with allergies. However, it is important to consider the specific coat type and potential shedding tendencies of the Goldendoodle you are interested in. Some individuals may have milder allergies and can tolerate a certain level of shedding, while others require a non-shedding breed.


– Do you or anyone in your household have allergies?
– How important is the hypoallergenic and low-shedding aspect to you?
– Are you willing to invest in regular grooming and maintenance for a specific coat type?

3. Size and Space

Goldendoodles come in different sizes, ranging from standard to mini and toy sizes. Consider the space you have available in your home and any specific restrictions. Larger-sized Goldendoodles may require more space to move around, while smaller-sized Goldendoodles may be a better fit for apartment living.


– Do you live in a house or apartment?
– How much indoor and outdoor space do you have available?
– Are there any size restrictions imposed by your community or rental agreement?

4. Breeder Reputation

Choosing a reputable breeder is essential when bringing a Goldendoodle into your home. Research different breeders and ask for references or recommendations. A reputable breeder prioritizes the health and welfare of their dogs and provides proper care and socialization from an early age.


– Have you done thorough research on the breeder?
– Does the breeder provide health guarantees and warranties for their puppies?
– Have you seen the breeding facilities and met the parent dogs?

5. Budget and Cost

Consider your budget for purchasing and caring for a Goldendoodle. Keep in mind that the initial cost of acquiring a Goldendoodle is just the beginning. There are ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training. Ensure that you can comfortably afford these costs before committing to a Goldendoodle.


– Have you factored in the initial purchase cost, as well as ongoing expenses?
– Do you have a budget in place for routine veterinary care, grooming, and training?
– Are you financially prepared for any unexpected veterinary bills?

Always remember that bringing a Goldendoodle into your home is a long-term commitment. Spend time researching and considering the factors mentioned above to ensure that you choose the right Goldendoodle for you and your family. A Goldendoodle can bring immense joy and companionship, but it is essential to make an informed decision to ensure a happy and healthy relationship.

Key Takeaways: How Much Is a Goldendoodle Dog?

  • Goldendoodles can range in price from $1,500 to $3,000 depending on factors such as size, generation, and breeder reputation.
  • Additional costs to consider include grooming, veterinary care, food, and training.
  • Adopting a Goldendoodle from a rescue organization or shelter can be a more affordable option.
  • Research reputable breeders and ask about health clearances to ensure you’re getting a healthy and well-cared-for puppy.
  • Consider the long-term financial commitment and responsibilities of owning a Goldendoodle before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Goldendoodle dogs expensive?

Goldendoodle dogs can vary in price depending on several factors such as the breeder, location, and the specific traits of the dog. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere between $1,500 to $3,000 for a Goldendoodle. However, it’s important to note that the initial cost of the dog is just one part of the expenses involved in owning a pet. You will also need to consider ongoing costs such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training.

While the price of a Goldendoodle may seem high, it’s important to remember that these dogs are a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, both of which are popular and sought-after breeds. Additionally, reputable breeders often invest a lot of time, effort, and resources into breeding healthy and well-socialized puppies. So, while you may be paying a higher price upfront, you are likely to get a dog with good genetics and a better chance of a long and healthy life.

Do Goldendoodle puppies cost more than adult dogs?

In general, Goldendoodle puppies tend to be more expensive than adult dogs. This is because puppies require more care, time, and resources from the breeder. Puppies need to be properly socialized, vaccinated, dewormed, and undergo health checks before they can be sold. Breeders also spend a significant amount of time and effort in training and early development of the puppies.

On the other hand, adult Goldendoodles may be available at a lower price, especially if they are retired breeding dogs or if the owner is unable to care for them anymore. Adopting an adult Goldendoodle can be a great option for those who are looking for a more mature and settled dog, while also potentially saving some money.

Are there any additional costs associated with owning a Goldendoodle?

Yes, there are additional costs associated with owning a Goldendoodle. Apart from the initial cost of purchasing the dog, you will need to consider ongoing expenses such as food, grooming, veterinary care, and training. Goldendoodles have a thick and curly coat that requires regular brushing and occasional professional grooming.

Veterinary care is another important aspect of pet ownership. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments for fleas, ticks, and heartworms are necessary to keep your Goldendoodle healthy. Training is also essential to ensure your dog is well-behaved and obedient. You may choose to enroll your Goldendoodle in obedience classes or hire a professional trainer.

Can I find a cheaper Goldendoodle from a rescue or shelter?

It is possible to find a cheaper Goldendoodle from a rescue or shelter. Many rescue organizations and animal shelters have Goldendoodles available for adoption at a lower cost compared to buying from a breeder. These dogs may be surrendered by their previous owners or rescued from unfortunate circumstances.

Adopting a Goldendoodle from a rescue or shelter not only gives a deserving dog a second chance at a loving home but also tends to be more cost-effective. However, it’s important to note that rescue dogs may have unknown backgrounds or behavioral issues that require extra care and training. It’s always recommended to thoroughly research and understand the responsibilities and challenges of adopting a rescue dog before making a decision.

What factors should I consider when choosing a Goldendoodle breeder?

When choosing a Goldendoodle breeder, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, make sure the breeder is reputable and has a good track record. Look for breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs and can provide proof of health testing for both parent breeds.

It’s also important to visit the breeder’s facility or home to assess the living conditions and environment in which the puppies are raised. A responsible breeder will allow you to meet the parent dogs and provide information about their temperament and health history. Additionally, consider the breeder’s knowledge and experience with Goldendoodles and their willingness to answer any questions you may have.

How much does a Goldendoodle Cost? πŸ’°πŸΆπŸ”΄ 2022 Guide πŸ”΄


So, to sum it all up, we’ve learned a lot about Goldendoodle dogs! They are a mix of Golden Retrievers and Poodles, which makes them super cute and oh-so-fluffy. But Goldendoodles also come with a price tag, and it can vary depending on different factors.

First, we talked about how Goldendoodles have become really popular because they are hypoallergenic and great for people with allergies. Then, we explored how much they cost, ranging from around $1,500 to $3,000 or even more. The price depends on things like the breeder, the size of the Goldendoodle, and its generation.

Remember, though, that getting a Goldendoodle is not just about the cost. You also need to consider the responsibility of taking care of a dog, including grooming, training, and regular vet visits. It’s important to make sure you’re ready for all that before bringing a Goldendoodle home.

So, if you’re thinking about getting a Goldendoodle, make sure to do your research, find a reputable breeder, and consider all the costs involved. They may be a bit pricey, but Goldendoodles are wonderful companions that can bring lots of joy to your life.